Summer Times 2022

A news roundup for Pitzer alums, families, friends, and the campus community

pitzer president melvin oliver greets students after the 2016 convocation ceremony


three inside-out graduates celebrate in caps and gowns on the pitzer mounds

Fellowships for Formerly Incarcerated Pitzer Grads

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two students transport hose while working in the pitzer student garden

An Ecological and Educational Haven: The Pitzer College Student Garden

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sumangala bhattacharya wears a bright pink shirt while standing in front of the mead hall

Immigration Law Clinic in a Liberal Arts Classroom

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Alumni Award Winners and More

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portraits of two alumni shown side by side

Meet Pitzer's New Tenure-Track Professors

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denise ambriz poses in front of the pitzer fountain

Creative Collaboration: Hive Summer Fellows’ Social-Impact Projects

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two students pose for the camera at the hive

The Paul Faulstich Trail Never Ends: Pitzer Professor—and alumnus—retires

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paul faulstich lectures to a table of students

Faculty News Briefs

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barbara junisbai lectures to a table of students the the grove house outdoor classroom

The Alumni & Family Book Club Discusses "Living the Secular Life"

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phil zuckerman poses on the mounds with the image of his book superimposed on the image